Friday, October 22, 2010

the making of a sandbox

Only Nedy's Baba.

Only Nedy's Baba could design and build the most fantastic sandbox that ever was (no bias here at all) while having the patience to let his little helper think she was actually, among other things, carrying heavy beams and mounting them in place.

Without further ado, I present Baba and Nedy's first major project together--a summertime of work--the sandbox. (Which, you'll notice--for the sake of my sanity--is actually a sand table. I have successfully brainwashed Nedy into thinking sand tables are just as much fun as sandboxes. Shhhh.)

In the words of Kai-Lan, these two make my heart feel super happy.
And their plans for next summer? A tea house big enough for backyard sleeping.


Anonymous said...

Only Nedy's Baba, indeed! oh my my!
Looks fantastic, you guys!

Aleece said...

Dan - you should seriously go into business with stuff like this. It looks awesome.

Anonymous said...

...came back to look at it a second time. BEAUTIFUL!