Sunday, July 15, 2012

Green Beans GOOOOOO!!!!

We have lengthy commutes in our house to Nana's or Grandma's each day, so we have lots of contained quiet time to chat.  We chat about this and that, play games like "I'm thinking of an animal...", eat Annie's rabbit cookies, look for wildlife, call out trucks and trains, comment on people who ride motorcycles in shorts/tank tops/no helmet (even Kammy says, "No hehmut!  Not safe, dat guy!"), etc.  It's a full-on Chatfest.  Lately, Kam has been participating often what with his yelling out, "Mama!  Yook der big twuck!  Guy in der dwive!" or "I sink amnal...yong neck...giraffe!...yong neck..." (he always gives away the answer in his description), or his random announcements that he sees goats, brown ones, much to his sister's irritation because calling out goats when there are no goats is totally against the four-and-a-half year old code of ethics.  Ahem.

So Kam is getting into learning his colors, though he has the whole "too cool for school" attitude at times that results in him purposefully reporting a red marker as yellow, all with a twinkle in his eyes and dimples in full pop.  (Again, much to sister's annoyance.  Because the marker is red and calling it yellow on purpose, well, "makes no sense at all.")  Anyway, so Kammy's latest is traffic light monitoring.  Just as Nedy did at his age, he eagerly awaits traffic lights for the sheer surprise of their status as we roll up.  If they're red, he's quick to instruct me, "Yight RED!  Mama, means STOP!!"  And so we sit at the light, Kammy tapping his hand on his shorts saying, "Wait foeyit...wait foeyit..." until the light changes to green and he excitedly announces, "GREEN BEANS GOOOOOOOOOO!"  So, I guess when we started talking about green lights and I told him, "green means go", he sort of morphed it into vegetables.  (I wish he's morph his taste buds toward vegetables, but that's another post.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love when you do Kamron-speak. Makes me smile. You two are so cute together.