Thursday, July 9, 2009

Painting from China

Dan just finished a frame for the painting we bought in China! I loved this painting the second I saw it--and it is so nice to now have it hanging in the bedroom. It instantly takes me back to those first days of getting to know Ned. I love how art does that for me. I have such vivid memories attached to the art we've purchased on our travels. This one is most special to me for obvious reasons. :) (Ned loves it, too. When you ask her 'Where is the painting from China?' she darts to the bedroom, pointing at it with a big smile on her face. 'Tsina', she says. Hilarious.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I love that painting, too. :)

I read this post yesterday, then last night went to sleep thinking about the painting, and how every little thing in it has such a charming excess of personality.

Anywho. Thanks for sharing it!